The inside of an ancient Mayan tomb 1,500 years have been filmed by a number of archaeologists. By using a miniature video camera, the researchers were able to capture several images in the burial chamber in Palenque, Mexico.
With the revelation of these devices up to 16 feet (5m) into the tomb, they saw red paint and black figures adorn the walls. Scientists say the images will shed new light to the Mayan civilization.
Royal tombs
The tomb at Palenque was discovered in 1999 and then filmed using a miniature camera is revealed through a pole, but the archaeologists have not excavated for fear of damaging the pyramid.
This is possible because the bones appear to have fragmented rocks lying on a pedestal.
Palenque is one of the Mayan city government that is now the state of Chiapas, Mexico, but after the rejection in the 8th century AD, they were driven out into the woods.
Sites like these have been widely explored, particularly over the last two decades, but there are also to be found.
National Institute of Anthropology and History Mexico (Inah) said, archaeologists have known the tomb for more than a decade, but has not been able to investigate them.
"The difficulty of the location and basic workmanship consolidation baseboard, up to now has prevented the penetration of underground reserves. Suggests the presence of a number of guards is very important from the ancient Maya city, "Inah said in a statement.
It is said that researchers have overcome the difficulty by reducing the size of a remote-control camera matchsticks along the narrow hallway to enter the room that some still intact.
Inside, the camera reveals sembilan figures painted in black on the walls of the blood-red and jade and a number of pieces of skeleton believed to be part of the burial costume.
But unlike other tomb at Palenque, no sarcophagus was found. "It is very likely that the skeleton was lying straight piece of stone repose," said Inah.
Experts said the tomb was probably between 431 and 550 BC, and is estimated to belong to the first ruler of Palenque-K'uk Bahlam I.
There is another theory which says it belongs to Ix Yohl Ik'nal, the first female ruler of the city.
Archaeologist Martha Cuevas said the nearby cemetery with graves, suggests the possibility that the tomb is the tomb of the kingdom. Please note, this tomb is not the first time filmed. (Erabaru / BBC News / husband)