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PayPal founder of Build Your Own Country

CALIFORNIA | Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder and former financial backer one of Facebook, investing $ USD1, 25 million in a project 'otopia island'.

Funds amounting to USD1, 25 million has been invested by Thiel to Seasteading Institute, devoted to several new countries in the island resembles a giant ship. The ship itself will be located in the middle of international waters.

'The island moves', as it was written by the site Details, will try the ideas of libertarian governance. "Free from regulation, law, and the norm, different from countries that already exists. First on the island will be built a small town, which is expected to be inhabited by millions of people in 2050," he explained.
Also explained in the Details that island to the originally going to be moving, diesel-powered, has 12 thousand tons of structures for indoor and 270 people with the same libertarian ideas. Launched by Mashable, Thursday (08/18/2011).

Leadership Institute Seasteading utopian island project is Patri Friedman, a former Google engineers and the grandson of Milton Friedman, which is a Nobel-winning economist. Friedman hopes to launch the move is on the coast of the island of San Francisco early next year.

Although sound pretty strange, but the ideas to establish a small country is not a new thing. One of the 'state utopia' the best known is the Principality of Sealand, which was founded in 1967 near the coast of Suffolk, England. Principality of Sealand has a currency, stamps, passports, and certificates of its own nobility. Principality of Sealand's population today is three people. [okz]